Zen. Dharma Talks invites all groups. Diverse backgrounds and identities. What makes the world a colorful place? Choices lead to the next open door. Open Gate Dharma. Life has limitations and opportunities. The universe is the web woven like the trees in nature reaching out to the species through mycelium. Network of threads. Sutra the thread to breath. Neuroplasticity, learning new sutras, connecting to the universe. Grey matter zen, open access to oxygen. The spine upheld in zazen, postures are important in connecting from this world to the zen universe. https://youtu.be/iVoAH-4v_9M Above, Meta-Zen link #Zensation
Moonzen a finger as a guide for the trajectory opening up to space. Why do we need direction from other human beings? We connect through solidarity. The spot where life is created like the sperm finding the egg. Or is it the egg that picks and pulls the sperm? Chicken or egg question. Ha, ha. First courtship then marriage. Zen is the heart to reconnect to the basic life that exists. Basic existence: shikantaza (You sit and let everything be present). Sculpting Buddha from your body. Earth Science and life science. Gold-silver wisdom of sun and moon. X-mas Buddha ornament. Wow! The eggless eggnog is a celebratory drink for the warm winter gathering at home. https://thezeroproof.com/blogs/recipes/virgin-vegan-eggnog-recipe Moonzen Video galore! https://youtu.be/RzVR2D73icE?si=agEKj6Ayv8D8C1gR Tina Turner - Lotus Sutra / Purity of Mind (2H Meditation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBgN849_nOs "Die Tauben und Stummen, die Verkrüppelten und Missgestaltet
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